Grom Russian Character
* Dammarie-les-Lys: 2 CAC
* Paris Animal Show: 2 X Best of Show, 1 CAC and 2 CACIB
* Chartres: 1 CACIB, 1 special prize
* Douai: 1 CAGCI, nom Best
* Valenciennes: 2 CAGCI
* Orleans: 1 CAGCI and 1 CACE
* Courzieu: 1 CACE
* Geneva: 1 CACIB, 1 CAGCIB
Grom alias Michka was imported from Russia from Russian Character breeding.
We got him when he was one year old. Its color is Red silver tabby point.
Michka is an imposing cat that weighs almost 7kg. He has all the characteristics of a magnificent Siberian. He has lots of hair and loves petting and brushing. He listens very well and is a homebody cat who loves to be the center of attention. He has a very good character and is not aggressive.
He loves to eat dry fish. Of course, he appreciates all our females, he is gallant and likes to take care of them.
It carries the solid, the dilution and the silver which allows to have a great diversity of color.

The mother
Xantara Love of Prague